Saturday, June 28, 2014

First day ... What's on your pandora ?

Okay we made it to Salt Lake.
It was a pretty Easy drive. Bridge slept the first two hours and then we stopped in Twin Falls and got gas and a Wendy's chicken sandwich/ nuggets for big man. For the last three hours we were tested with patience and lots of creativity. I didn't want to bring out the devices until absolute necessary. We managed until we got a little past Snowville.

Mean while Ben had the luxury of enjoy my Pandora mix (Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey, and Garth Brooks) o my I'm pretty sure his head was spinning, but he was a trooper and put up with all my obnoxious singing!

Within seconds of checking in to our fabulous hotel (everyone was so nice) we had our swim suites on and were in the pool! Lots of tossing the football, kicking and splashing. We got out, made our phone calls to the parents and decided we need to get dinner. Ben knew how much I wanted to see downtown and the Mormon temple so he took me there and it was truly amazing. The grounds were beautiful. Indescribable just how gorgeous the grounds were. The weather was perfect and there were so many people walking around doing pictures, so I didn't feel so bad about busting out mine.

We walk the whole thing ( didn't go inside any of the buildings) and Bridger did great. We even managed to see a horse, which he got to pet. We decided to give our hotel restaurant a try for room service and for dinner, it was delicious. We were all starving by the time we got back.

Bridger went to sleep around 9:45pm and I just call Amtrak to check on our train (they are known to run late) sure enough they are 2 hours behind schedule . Looks like I will be checking in every few hours all night. Just glad we decided to come down a night before (best decision). 

Here's to both of my boys first trip on the train!!!!!!! Wish us luck.

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