Thursday, May 30, 2013

another chapter complete

The school year is complete.

The bubble bath is running.

The boys are playing with their new toys.


This momma is ready to celebrate!

Holy cow what a year this has been. Exciting, stressful, adventurous, tearful, joyous, frustrating, happy, sad, mad, and every other adjective you can think.

Between raising a brand new baby while working full time, being a supportive wife and trying to be the best teacher possible to my 24 students I feel that this year has taken a lot out of me and I am ready to relax, unwind and enjoy this summer with my baby boy and surprise daddy on occasion with fun outings.

My day started out with our annual end of the year picture. How much he has grown! love him to pieces.

I arrive at school around 7:30am ( pretty dang proud), first time all year I have been there that early.

I wrapped up report cards and sealed the envelops.
I looked around my room one last time knowing that everything was disassemble and put away.
Wonder how the day was going to go and what the kids were thinking as they lined up outside their 1st grade door one more time.
Talked to many families as they dropped by to thank me, of course I tried my hardest to keep it together. But as any one who is close to me knows, if I cry it's because I am very passionate and indeed I did (just a wee o bit).
Last dance of 1st grade!

Today was hard. I will miss my kids and this year in particular we soared to new heights, quite frankly heights that I never could have imagine we would soar to. I am proud. I am happy. I am thankful. I am... well.. I am their first grade teacher and proud to call them my class. I love you all.
Being extra funny!

At the end of the day, after the hugs were given, the backpacks stuffed and all the children had left the school I was blessed to receive a SMARTboard for next year. Whether it was luck, or a higher power this is something that had me walking out of school smiling ear to ear.

there she is! my SMARTboard 
I am excited for next year and with any situation when life gives you lemons you gotta learn to make lemonade, and indeed I did this year.

Thank you to my husband for your endless support this entire year, I couldn't have gotten through it without you by my side. And to my beautiful, handsome son, you made mommy happy everyday and life is so much better now that you are here. There wasn't a day that went by that I didn't think about you during school and look forward to the last bell of the school day, it just meant one thing, I get to go get my baby. I love you both.


Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Bridger is recovered from diaper rash (thank you Triple Paste diaper cream) and we are back to our happy selves around here.

Bridger has discovered the love of grapes. And when I say love of grapes I really do mean LOVE of grapes. He goes straight to the fridge and uses his sign language ALL THE TIME asking for more grapes. It's not too often that he is consistant on his baby sign language, but he know exactly what more means and EXACTLY where the grapes are.
Not only did he discover the love of grapes but also potato salad thanks to daddy!

Too cute.

Did I mention that we have 2 days left till summer vacation, let the excitement begin.

Ben and I had a movie night last night and per my sister in laws recommendation we watch "Impossible." I really don't have the right word to describe just how touching this movie was. It was full of raw emotions and at times I had to stop the video to take a moment. Incredible.

Tonight after dinner Bridger had a bath and sure enough I notice a few bubbles coming up from his bottom and what should appear,,,,, yep you guessed it. Chalk it up as a first!

Anyways he sure is cute in his hand-me-down bath robe, thank you Coffman's!

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Memorial Weekend 2013

The weather has been nice, we have been at times relaxing, napping, cleaning, grocery shopping and lots of doctoring to our sweet boy who has horrible diaper rash, but all in all we are enjoying this memorial weekend and thanking those who have served our country. God Bless. 

Ever since we started giving Bridger soy milk he has had lots of diarrhea which in turn has made for horrible diaper rash, a fussy baby and lots of cuddles. It's the sacrifices that we make, his skin is doing wonderful since we started the new program, but with any new routine there are always bumps in the road. 

I spent yesterday morning with my sister-in-law taking our mother - in- law shopping for some new outfits. It was a success! So much fun. 

Today was spent at the splash pad/park by our house. It was the opening weekend and I have looked forward to taking Bridger there as soon as we found out we were expecting. He LOVED it. He didn't want to leave. So it looks like we will be adding the splash pad to our summer adventures. 

Here are lots of pictures. Enjoy! 

psssssssssssst.........3 days till summer :)

Thursday, May 23, 2013


After yesterday's puking incident on our way to school I was fed up and wanted answers as to why he just isn't feeling better and why his skin is not clearing up.

I demanded to get in sooner then June 5th. I just couldn't justify waiting that long and after Bridger puking every day for the last week I knew I had to get in sooner. So, thanks to the secretaries at the allergist office and a few key tips to mention (thanks to my ladies) they didn't hesitate and found a cancellation for 10:15am today.


I took the day off, not knowing what to expect. We spent all morning at the doctor's office and walked out feeling confident that we have some answers and a game plan to help Bridger get better.

I opted NOT to do the blood test, because of various reason, so we ended up with the skin test which shined some light on some triggers. Bridger is very allergic to cat hair, cat saliva and he there is a good chance that his atopic dramatise is being triggered by milk and eggs and possible nut in his diet. The doctor prescribe some things to help and we will slowly start to watch his diet and for any triggers that cause him to flare up. Doctor told us to not get all "crazy" and go to the extremes, just to use our judgement and limit it when we can.

Currently the doctor doesn't seem too worried about any asthma since he has not had any wheezing, but we will continue to keep an eye on it.

We made a day out of staying home from school today. We visited daddy's work, we went to the volunteer tea, went to the "soft" grand opening of BabiesRUs to look for a new car seat and we checked out there bathrooms too. Okay now I understand the purpose of these toddler chiars in the restroom.

Daddy treated Bridger to his favorite restaurant.... Flat Bread.

I kid you not, Bridger ate all of his happy hour cheese pizzatte.

He loves, loves loves flat bread.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

all in a weekend

We were busy this weekend. By we I mean mostly daddy. He was busy trying to put the finishing touches on our landscape.

Concrete curbing was on his list of hunny-do things. Boy was it a job. but it looks great. We have one last stretch that we will get done next weekend.

Yesterday I attended one of my students dance recital. She was a beautiful ballerina and I was honored to be invited. Great job Miss. Macy!
 Love my boys!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Round 2 and 9 days

Bridger has been down for the count since Monday. He went back to daycare yesterday but was still not feeling himself.

Poor guy!

His allergies are raging right now and his eyes are so swollen. I feel horrible, and we won't get any answers till the first week in June when we see the specialist.

Between daddy spending the day in Seattle on Tuesday and a sick baby at home for a two days this mama was ready for her spouse to be home at normal hours and through the night.

On a happier note we have 9, yes 9 days till SUMMER BREAK! So excited.

I have to share this fun video with everyone. My students are working on geometry and learning about house shapes can move so what better way to learn the mathematical terms then to pair it with a dance and song. Enjoy!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Mother's Day weekend

The boys spoiled me all weekend. I truly felt like a princess.

Friday night we went to The Bostrom's for french dips and lots of laughs. So nice to have friends who are close by with kids around Bridger's age. We celebrated the end of the school year and the beginning of a super fun summer. We all got our summer passes to Roaring Springs (well not the husbands, they have to work :) and we celebrated that baby Bostrom #2 is on its way. Due date: November 20th. Meg's is feeling great and looking fabulous as ever. Bridger and Olivia played hide- and - seek all night. So fun to watch.

Saturday came fast, we were up at 6:00am to get dressed and ready for Race For The Cure.

 I captain our Centennial team and we had 18 people on our team. It was a fantastic event and so fun to go with all the girls. Even some of the babies of Centennial came, including my boy.

He was such a trooper. By the end he was exhausted from running around, walking/pushing the stroller and lots of cuddles from all the fabulous ladies.

There was 11,700 people at this event and it was very inspiring to see all the pink shirts in the crowd. They were the survivors!

It was fun to chat with the people who were walking along side of us and the people watching was out of this world.

After the race we all headed over to Willow Creek Grill for drinks and lunch. It

was a beautiful day and such a memory to share with all these ladies.

Bridger and I got home around 2pm and a nap was in store for our little boy while mommy freshened up and admired the work that Ben did in our yard. I swear this yard is never ending, but it sure looks great.

Two hours later it was off to Audrey's dance recital. I always look forward to these. She is so darn cute and such a great little dancer. It's no wonder she is front and center! Such a great job. Bridger did great too, by the end he was getting a little antsy, so daddy took him out to the cafeteria to run off some steam so I could stay and watch the last few dances.

By the time we got home we were exhausted and ready for bed.

Sunday morning the boys got up and let me sleep in. It was SO nice. Also SO quite. I woke up about an hour later and they were not home. I didn't worry to much and continued about my morning with  some relaxing t.v watching in bed and allowing my mind to wonder for a little while.

A little while later the boys showed up, nothing in hand, and when I asked what they went and did they said,"O we just went for a little drive." Hmmmm...... I knew better then to believe that, so I walked to the living room and played with Bridger for a little bit and the next thing I knew daddy had Starbucks in his hand and breakfast at the table.

Such stinkers! Boy do I love them though.

Breakfast was great and it was still early enough in the morning that we decided to go for a nice long walk and stop by a park along the way. Bridger loved every bit of it.

Later in the afternoon we headed over to Grandma and Grandpa Parsons for a bbq and sprinkler fun. It was 91 degrees yesterday. HOT!

Poor Bridger started feeling bad right around the time dinner was being served. I didn't think to much about it but by the time we got home he had spiked a fever and was very unhappy. It was a long night, poor kiddo was so hot and the drainage kept him from being able to lay down without coughing up all the flem which ended up within him throwing up two time last night.

So today I stayed home with him and we headed to the doctor. Ears and through look fine, alittle red and alot of drainage. Doctor thinks that it is related to allergies and his sinus, so we are now being referred to allergist specialist since Bridger is having a reaction on his legs and arms as well. He has been sleeping almost all day today. He did hit the 25lb mark on the scale 66 percentile. Such a little boy.

My mother's day was fabulous and there was love all around. There is no better job then being a mother to Bridger and a wife to Ben. I love you both and thank you for treating me like a queen xoxo.