Saturday, May 31, 2014

Our garden

This garden is getting its own post.
Because it is so bountiful and producing more than we could have imagine.

There is something so perfect about growing your own garden and watching it start from nothing to seeing the blooms and growth everyday.

Of course I had to spark a little enjoyment and get out of the habit of always using my iphone for quick pics so this was a perfect way to pic up my 50mm and start shooting in aperture mode to get some great fine detailed pics of our garden.

It helps too that our little boy is such a cutie.

If you need any cilantro we got it. Our cilantro bushes are out of this world big. If only we could make salsa and can it. This will have to wait till we start getting tomatoes and peppers.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

memorial day and summer break day 3 and 4

Ugh, I just got done typing a whole page worth of stuff and for some reason when I went to re-open it didn't save it.

Okay lets try this again.

Yesterday we took the bikes out for a beautiful 7 mile bike ride and stopped along the way at each park we cam across. It was Ben's idea to see the entire greenbelt that Nampa has to offer. It was wonderful. The American flags were flying, my heart was thankful for all the men and women who have served our country and our big boy was excited to cruse with us for the morning. Although he did want to stay longer at each park, so that was a bit of a hassle but he managed to get in and get seated so we could bike to our next stop. We saw lots of ducks, goats, horses, people and I even ran into one of my former students on the greenbelt as we were crossing. Love this town and love running into people we know.

After our long morning bike ride it was back home for showers, lunch, naps and reading outside on the patio furniture. My goal for the summer is 10 books of my choosing before I have to return again in August. The first one was gifted to me by one of my students mothers and it is one that I am 40 pages from finishing (probably will tonight) and one that I suggest everyone reading. It's good for the soul and really puts perspective on things. Great read.

We were busy tending to our garden and enjoying some of the fruits and labor of it this weekend. We used some of the cilantro in our enchiladas, and the bushes are doing amazingly! Today I finished up a side dish for Ben's BBQ at work topped with our dill from the garden and tonight we will be enjoying lettuce from our garden. Our spinach is growing a ton. Garden has turned into one of our favorite evening things to do and talk about on the patio at night. I suppose it helps that things are actually growing too :)

Bridger has been busy exploring and doing boy things such as climbing on anything and everything possible, especially when we are not looking. Today has been an interesting day to say the least in regards to our summer schedule. I knew he was tired but I had no idea he would be reading for a nap at 9:30 this morning. Normally he takes a nap at 1 and that is it. But with him going to bed much later since springing forward this spring I think he is just trying to get caught up on all his rest.

I have two major goals this summer with him. First, potty train. He went poop this morning after telling me he needed to go. I didn't put a diaper on him all morning and he did have a few pee accidents on floor but he figured it out after several reminders to tell mommy when he needs to go potty. We of course did the potty dance and he earned his chocolate.

The next goal I have for him is transitioning his bedroom up stairs to the quiet darker bedroom that doesn't get much light and is not on the side of the house next to where are the construction for the new home is taking place. This is more of a mommy job since I need to actually work on making his bedroom feel like a little kids room and not so much a guest room for when company stays the night. So that is also on the to do list.

I am off to work on our summer calendar so have a marvelous Monday I mean Tuesday! Gosh I love three day weekends.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Day 1 of Summer Break

Hello Summer!

O how we have longed for you!

We were busy yesterday soaking in every minute of our first day of summer.
First up a quick trip to the dump to unload some moving boxes that have filled up our garage!
Next off to the Saturday Market.
On our list was tomato plants (the wind blew a few of ours that we planted back in April over this past week)
And of course a little splurge of one of my favorite peonies. They take me back home every time I see them. My mom has a few huge bushes of them on the side of her house and they are absolutely gorgeous.
The streets were packet, the side street music was bumping and Bridger was loving every bit of it.

Following our trip to the market it was off to catch up with the cousins! A little basketball, soccer, coloring, adult catchup and of course lots of loves and hugs.

Quickly it was back home to have lunch, take naps, and.....start pumping up the stand up paddle boards.
Bridger woke up and we were off, with only one minor hiccup...a busted side mirror while backing up out the garbage. Let's just say babies can be a bit distracting when they are screaming for my juice. O well!
It was a quick 5 min jaunt to the lake down the road, unloaded and in the water by 3:45pm. Daddy showed off his tricks that he has been practicing every afternoon. (Lucky Bums moved offices and now they are literally a walk to the river, so the boys have ate lunch and headed out everyday last week to paddle board during their lunch hour!! So cool.)
Mommy and Bridge did lots of pretend fishing and reeling in "big fish" and whats not a trip without a basketball hoop and a game! This child is absolutely obsessed.

We headed home after a few hours, made spaghetti and one of our neighbors stopped by to catch up. The golf course is opening on June 27th, super exciting.

This is what summer is all about! Family, memories, food, laughter, and friends.

It was an absolutely gorgeous day perfect in so many ways.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Last Day of School and Recap

We did it!
It's over and we all survived.
This year was a year of growth for all of us.
This year was full of memories, laughter, and fun.

Bridger is counting to 10 by himself and and able to get to 20 with a little assistance.
He is full of sentences and picks up on so much we say. I can't believe this little boy is going to kindergarten in 3 years.
He can dribble a ball, color/scribble wonderfully, run fast and when he wants can potty in the toilet.

We will certainly have a busy summer between setting up a new classroom, learning new curriculum and of course swimming, soccer, basketball, baseball and anything else that could possibly involve a ball.
I moved the last load of stuff from my classroom before the bell rang today.
Hubby just needs to move my SMARTBOARD.
Room 2 has been great and it is where it all started.
I am a truly going to miss my 6-7 years olds and as one mother said to me today, "you taught all my children to become amazing readers."
I know that with these compliments I am going to close this chapter in my life and start a new one up in the fourth grade.
I am very excited and look forward to exploring so much in depth curriculum and analyzing and detailing it all out for the year over the summer (some people would say I am crazy, but this is what keeps me on my toes).

Here is to the start of summer and the next 75 days before the new year starts again!

Sunday, May 18, 2014


We are finally at the stage in Bridger's life of asking why at least a hundred times a day. Some times he understands other times not so much.

This is our last week of school. Surreal yet so looking forward to summer. I have decided to only to one course this summer which starts in June. This allows a little break and I am excited to report that I received straight A's again. Super rewarding for all the Sunday's that I have spent away from my boys.

Why 4th grade? I am switching grades next year from first to fourth. I am super excited about this development and the necessary experience needed for my professional career. It was a huge surprise to my staff when my principal announced this on Friday, mainly in part because nobody ever thought I would leave first in part because of my passion and how much our team has grown and developed over the last four years. But they all do realize how important the change is in order to continue on to becoming a principal one day. I will miss so much things about first grade so I will wait to post another post about this later on. In the mean time I will enjoy soaking in the last five days this week.

Yesterday I hosted with a dear friend a bridal shower for one of our coworkers who is getting married soon.

The weather was absolutely gorgeous and it was so perfect. Having gatherings with all of our friends just does something for the soul.

I am excited for the gatherings that a up and coming so that we can continue our tradition of good food, good friends and a great time.

Here's to the last week of school! Enjoy the week. Here's to grading and the last report cards of the trimester!
 Our beautiful pots we planted on Thursday!

Monday, May 12, 2014

Mother's Day

It has been quite a beautiful Mother's Day weekend!
I am truly lucky to have the best boy and husband in the world. 
We danced, we laughed, we snuggled, and we sang all weekend long. 

Yesterday we started the weekend off with our 2nd annual Race for the Cure. Bridger was excited to wear his "running" shirt. He was so proud to show it off and wanted to even sleep in it last night and wake up with it on this morning! It was a cold morning and I hesitated whether we should go out in the cold, rainy weather but by the time the shuttle dropped us off at the at the race the sun came out, the music was pumping and we met up with all of our friends. Another successful race in the books! and I wouldn't of had it any other way without my cute, 2 year old, running partner to come along! Good Job Bridge!

It was back home for a quick nap, a little shopping (by myself...thanks hubby), and a shower before we turned around and went to see cousin Audrey and Natalie's dance recital. The girls did such a great job and it has become one of my most looked forward to events each year. Natty was as cute as a can be and Audrey moved so gracefully. Thanks girls for inviting us. 

We all crashed when we got home and I think it's safe to say that we were all asleep by 9pm last night! Of course we "slept in" till 7am this morning upon hearing a sweet little voice come in and say "happy moth--er's day mommy!" How could I not wake up and snuggle with that cute little face. 

We are off to gma and gpa's for a bbq to celebrate mother's day. 

To my mom: I miss you everyday more ways than one. You are so special and I cherish our friendship dearly. Thank you for your guidance, love and affection. I will see you in a month and half! Happy Mother's Day! This video is for you.