Monday, September 23, 2013

Cheerleading, football, sick baby boy and the laundry room

We were busy this weekend. 

Audrey had her cheer debut at BK during half time! Bridger loved watching the football game, clapped at the right time and was happy to see his cousins. Audrey did a great job and the night was perfect under the lights. 

Ben asked me when we got out of the car if it reminded me of my highschool days? Yep! With all the students decked out for the game, the excitement leading up to Friday night, it sure was different siting on the parent side of the bleachers that's for sure. 

Such a fun night!

Next up was Saturday college football, daddy went hunting with Grandpa so it was up to Bridge and I to watch all the teams play till he got home. Nebraska beat uncle Bill's jackrabbits, cougars beat my vandals and Boise State lost again! Yikes 

Bridger wasn't feeling well pretty much all week and his cough and cold got worse by the weekend and by Saturday night he was not looking to good. Not much sleep on Saturday night and by Sunday he was a crying unhappy boy. Off to urgent care we went. 

Sure bet he had a full blown ear infection. Poor boy! Wwe napped all day and then I went in to work on my Master stuff and get lesson plans done for my sub for today. When I called to check in poor Bridge was a crying mess. I hurried home. By nights end we woke up several times throughout the night vomited once because of all the gunk he had draining out his eyes, nose and throat. 

Lots of cuddling today!

Did I mention that the builder is coming back over to cut out a hole for the dryer vent that they stuccoed over. Ugh ! Anyways happy Monday.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Suzanna Nicole

Tonight I got to meet my dear friend Heidi's beautiful daughter Suzanna Nicole. 

She is perfect! 

Tiny and so precious.6lbs 12oz

Congrats mama you did great! 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Superman showed up tonight at our house.

Isn't he so cute!

My mom taught me a lot of things but today was one of those small yet important lessons that I remembered I should do for my little guy. 

Bridger woke up not sounding so good, he pushed on through the day though like a true trooper! By the time I got off work and picked him up he was definitely ready for some cuddle time and that we did. 

However, I did stop at the store on my way home tonight and picked him up some new jammies. Nothing's better then a pair of fresh new jammies when your not feeling good.

So after dinner it was time to show daddy the new jammies and boy was it a show at our house for the rest of the night.

Lets just say I am finally in bed, typing this blog with a full moon shining through my window. 

P.s I wonder what our morning will be like tomorrow! 

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Life changes

We sold our house, bought a new one and moved in all in less then 60 days.

Crazy... Yes 
Worth all the stress....absolutely 
Exhausted.... Beyond words can say

Lets sum it up. I gave daddy till the end of the last weekend in summer to sell the house. He received an offer the weekend before I reported back to school! 

(This is at the old place when we packed up everything ) 

We knew we wanted to move close to where I work and where Bridger goes to school. I wanted a home where we could set roots, be a part in the community, enjoy the outdoors and raise a family. 

That all lead us to our new home. We are 4.5 minutes away from work, 7 minutes from day care only one stop light to go through and close to everyday needs. 

We are finally feeling a little more settled in this weekend. After getting moved out of the moving trucks last Friday, getting extremely sick on Tuesday night vomiting severely and not being able to work Wednesday(reported but they told me I looked awful and to go home), Bridger's doc appointment Thursday , and finally resting a little bit, unpacking and making our house feel like our home we are starting to finally get settled. 

Bridger loves his new home and we do too.

18 months and a whole lot more

Our boy turn 18 months last week. I'm so  far behind in blogging but I figure I better get down all his stats before I forget them: 

26 lbs .... 77% in weight
34inches ..88%in height

-Talking none stop
-Loves his meme (pacifier) but will give it to Ms. Emily when he gets to daycare in the morning.
- only bottle at bedtime durning the week 
- loves bubbles in his drink ( carbonated lemon aid or fruit juice) 
- is cutting more teeth 
- is hoping around, loves to jump, run and laugh all the time
- can keep a beat with music in the car 
-is getting more and more scratches bumps and bruises then I can keep track of
- loves school and is not a happy camper when he doesn't get his nap.
-wants to be read to all the time
-loves putting things in holes, playing in the water and filling things up.
- still a great cuddlier

He is growing by the minute and becoming such a great little man! Hard to believe he is a year and half old!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


It's been almost a month since I blogged last and we have had a month full of high points and lows. Since this blog is for my family I feel like it is important to post about all points in our life. 

So here we go....

Our Gabby girl passed away on August 25th. It has been extremely tough dealing with her unexpected death. We miss her more then words can say and it is so tough when Bridger ask us "Gabby, Abby" as if he is saying where is gabby at. We are talking to him about it and telling him that she is at the rainbow bridge with all her friends. I can't help but tear up every time I think about her. She has been with Ben and I since the beginning of our relationship. She will forever be missed and we will always remember all the happiness she brought to us.