Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Vacation part10... Topeka

We took a drive out to Topeka, Kansas so that my Grandma Jane could meet her great-grandson.

Boy was she thrilled.

There was pure joy in her eyes when Bridger walked up to her and gave her a wonderful squeeze.

Ben hasn't had a chance to meet her either so it was great to introduce Ben to my dad's side of the family.

Grandma Jane gave Bridger a stuffed bunny and boy was he on cloud 9 with the bunny.

We heard about the bunny during the whole trip.

One thing that both the boys learned was how much Grandma Jane loves to try her luck at a scratch ticket.

Bridger even helped her a few times.

Next it was off to see Aunt Dorsey, Bridger's great Aunt.

She was FULL of energy to say the least. She was getting ready for the annual neighborhood olympics that she was hosting so we didn't stay too long, but Bridger chatted with her all about her flowers and her gardening, they even spotted a real bunny.

Such a memorable trip for all.

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