Friday, March 22, 2013

Spring Break, play date

It is officially spring break!!!!

And boy and I glad to have the next week off to spend with my little guy.

Yesterday it was the dentist, today we had a play date with Coy, Cane, Brenden and Thomas at Jabbers. Let's just say it was the best one to date.

When you leave the parking lot three hours later and your little one is passed out in the back you know it was successful.

Between the five boys, they played with EVERYTHING. Of course the hit was the grocery store. Bridger couldn't get enough of the grocery cart his size.

The first time I picked him up to walk him over to it he thought that it was time for mommy to put him in the cart, so up went his legs as if to put them in the holes in the seat. Silly boy.

Once he figured out he could push it himself and it would go wherever he wanted he was hot to trot. Putting everything  in including pieces of fruit or vegetables that he could grab. Followed by throwing everything out. So fun.

Next week is my week to plan the play date, looks like it will be off to the pool for a little fun in the water!

Have a great weekend and enjoy March Madness GO ZAGS, GO JAY!

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