Sunday, March 31, 2013


We had a great Easter today.

The weather was gorgeous, the food was good and the Easter egg hunting was great!

Of course what's not a Parsons get together without my famous family picture on a timer.

A year ago Bridger was almost a month old and today our boy is 1 and full of life. He loved playing with his cousins and finding Easter eggs with them too.

Some of grandma's eggs didn't quite make it back to the egg carton whole.

Bridger figured out that if you bang two eggs together it will make a cool noise and then the egg shell will crack open.

Silly boy.

He held his basket and loved putting his eggs back and forth into it.

Between chatting with the adults, watching basketball (ouch did you see the injury on the Louisville team) and picking up spilled diet coke that my boy got into while I wasn't watching we had a great Easter.

Tomorrow we go back to school and the count down begins till Summer!

44 days to go!

We are getting excited and have lots of fun things planned.

Lets just hope this weather still stays nice, Ben and I have have some projects we are eagerly trying to get completed.

Happy Easter!

Such a great day!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Lake Lowell and a grandpa surprise

Since the weather out here is BEAUTIFUL Ben, Bridger and I decided to go for a nice long walk today. We wanted to try something new, we've done the green belt in Boise (in both directions, we explored the greenbelt in Garden City, we went on an adventure in Eagle) so it was now onto Lake Lowell in Nampa.

It was simply gorgeous out there. Quite, serene, peaceful, and perfect for a Saturday morning stroll with the babe.

On our walk we came upon a little beach area which was great for Bridger. Did I mention how much he loves water. We couldn't keep him out of it. He wanted so badly to sit down and splash, but since we didn't have a swimsuit and the water was still cold we had to pull him up a few times. He did however, manage to squat down fast enough to get his entire legs wet. Cute boy!

We look forward to the warmer spring weather that Boise offers and many more new adventures.

Last night we went to Mass with grandma and grandpa and afterwards grandma was telling me all the baking that she was going to be doing on Saturday. She told us that since we would see them on Sunday we would get our Katinka Bread (sorry Rosie if I spelt that wrong)then since we live a distance away. I didn't think to much more about that because that was just fine for us.

Well around 5:30pm tonight grandpa called to check in and see how we were all doing and to double check the time for Easter lunch tomorrow. Again no clue that grandpa was up to something, totally normal. HOWEVER, Gabby kept going back and forth to the front door while Ben was on the phone and right before Ben said goodbye to grandpa the door rang. Our typical selves don't normally answer the door on the weekends because it is either a girl scout selling cookies, a boy scout selling popcorn or a Jehovah witness wanting to tell us about their god. As Ben was getting up to try and catch a peek of who was there wouldn't you know it was GRANDPA surprising us with Katinka bread.
He got us!

Bridger was THRILLED to see grandpa and he even had his first try of bread sitting on grandpa's lap. Yum Yum!

Of course there was playing in between and lots of snuggles too!

Thanks grandpa for coming by to see us.

you got a friend in me

Yesterday we had Olivia over for a fun play date. Bridger and her did not stop playing till she left. No naps, just straight fun playing for 5 hours. Between all the laughing, feeding the dog carrots, making an art project and of course the slide, those two were inseparable.

I couldn't help myself taking some fun pictures while the two of them just played so great together. and one of my spring break goals was to learn how to create short movies using still photos and short video clips. So what better group of photos to use then the cute ones of these two cuties.

Make sure when you listen to the video your volume is turn up so you can hear the music.Click on the blue link below.....

Bridger and Olivia's Play date Movie


Thursday, March 28, 2013

we're going on a bear hunt....

Today we took a trip to the zoo. It was Bridger's first time and he LOVED it.
Our car ride was full of the song "we're going on a bear hunt." We practiced our growls, we put on our best hat to help keep the sun off of our heads and we headed out in hopes of finding a GREAT BIG BEAR! 
We're gonna catch a big one!
We're gonna catch a big one!

I'm not afraid!
I'm not afraid!
Are you?
Are you?
Not me!
Not me!Here comes the gate

Now we're on a bear hunt " "
We're gonna catch a big one " "
I'm not afraid " "
Are you? " " Not me! " "
We're coming to a tall mountain " "
It sure is high " "
It sure is wide " "
Let's climb up it " "

Well, there's nothing over there " "
Nothing over there " "
Nothing back there " "

Hey! Wait! I think I see something
Quick! Everybody run down!
We're going on a bear hunt!
We're going on a bear hunt!
We're gonna catch a big one!
We're gonna catch a big one!

I'm not afraid!
I'm not afraid!
Are you?
Are you?
Not me!
Not me!
We're going thru the tall grass " "
We're going thru the short grass " "
Hey! Look! There's a little tree " "

Well, let's shinny on up it
Whoa! It gets a little skinny up here at the top
See anything over that way? " "
Anything over that way?, Uh, oh!,
Oh, no! Whoa! Agh! let's get down!
We're going on a bear hunt!
We're going on a bear hunt!
We're gonna catch a big one!
We're gonna catch a big one!

I'm not afraid!
I'm not afraid!
Are you?
Are you?
Not me!
Not me!
Oh, no! " "

It's a big puddle of mud " "
Can't go around it " "
Gotta go right thru it " "

Yeuk! " "
Well, let's go.
Squish, Sqwish, Blaaahh.........................
After the adventure that we had at the zoo we thought it would be a fun idea to go and SURPRISE Grandma at her desk again. Grandma works right next to the zoo!
By the time we walked back to our car we were both pretty HOT and thirsty. It got up to 70 degrees according to my car thermometer. So we got some water and headed home.
Little man was asleep no sooner then pulling out of my parking spot and getting on the road.
Here's to a fantastic Thursday and a great book that came in the mail addressed to Bridger Parsons from Grammy for Easter.

Thanks Grammy we enjoyed it tonight before we went to bed. xoxo