Welcome to the new year!
We rang in the new year by setting the alarm at 11:45pm and Ben waking up, unfortunately I guess I told him, "just go back to bed, it's okay!" I don't quite recall that but I guess I must of been tired. We tried to stay up as late as possible and watch the football games, the news and whatever else was on, but by 11:15pm I was exhausted and when I looked over daddy was out too. I do recall a ton of fireworks going off when I was awakened around midnight, but I went right back to bed, and Bridge never woke up!
Yesterday we got up, went outside to let Bridger try on his ski and practice around the yard with daddy! A little icy but it was fun. We didn't do much except stay in our pj's and watch football all day. We put away all the devices until 6pm and just had a day of fort building, basketball, baseball, books, and lounging. Of course wouldn't you know it the doorbell rang.... the neighbors stopped by to drop off a new years gift! So nice to know our neighbors. I feel like we belong here and they are so sweet to us. We are blessed.
On with today and all the daily chores. We did run around town to do some errands and I feel like Bridger and I are finally in our grove and schedule together. Just a reminder that we are 5 months away from summer break! Can't wait.
Our boy turned 22 months today and we have hit the stage of NO's. He is such a little man and knows and understands almost everything I say to him. Today when we got home I asked him to, "please go put your shoes away in your bedroom." I wasn't expecting much but wanted to see if he knew what I was saying. Yep, sure enough that little boy put his shoes by his closet and came running back.

I am so amazed by him and his development. I'm sure every mother says that but when people take note of it as well it makes you feel good inside. When we were at Graples today this lady over heard me tell Bridger to "use soft hands" since we were in a place with breakables, he said "yes, mommy" and smiled at her. She turned and asked, "how old is he?' I replied, "22 months." She said, "WOW, you must work with him?" I told her, "yes, I talk to him like we are having a normal conversation and of course I am a teacher so I suppose that counts too!" She laughed and I pondered a bit after I left the store. It's true and yet so sad knowing that some kids aren't exposed to interaction and their language and knowledge progresses at a much slower pace because they aren't talked to. It seems so natural, I will post more about my thoughts on this later.
Anywho....back to our boy at 22 months. He is growing leaps and bounds. I packed away all of his
12-18 month clothes and we are now into 24 month and 2t clothes. Nap time has been a bit challenging these days in part to him knowing that he has two choices and he tries to test boundaries with both daddy and I. I am not very forgiving but daddy is and he knows it. He has a smile that will melt your heart and when he says, "I love you" it makes my eyes tear up a bit. It's hard to believe how fast he is growing and how he isn't a baby anymore. The count down starts for his 2nd birthday! We love you big boy.
Happy New Year!