Monday, December 2, 2013

Hard to say good-bye

The last of the company left today.

We had a great time. It went by too fast. As with any family we had our share of "moments" but I am grateful for the time that I got with my family.

Yesterday we lived up the last day on a high note and continued with our tradition of cutting down a Christmas tree in the forest. I am able to say for certain that Gaga was freaked out when Daddy's truck started spinning going up an incline around the mountain. Once we reached the area of snow fall (not sure how high up we were but the pictures can be proof) and still didn't have the "right" tree yet, daddy insisted that we continue on until we could find the perfect one. And that we did. However as we were going around the bend the snow was blanketed in a fresh coat of icy slush which in turn caused daddy's truck to loose a little bit of traction.

Have no fear, daddy stayed calm while the mid western ladies held their breath and said a few dozen prayers. The Lord answered them and Daddy found an area where he could turn around at. Back down the mountain we went. It wasn't until we reached the area where there was no snow and dirt on the ground when you could hear the deep breaths of relief.

Soon after that we spotted the perfect tree and thus began the story of Daddy using his cross country skills to climb the side of the mountain in order to cut down the tree. Up he went, no stopping because the ground underneath him was dirt and he didn't have much traction to stop. At one point I thought he was going to pull a Charlie Brown Christmas tree out of the ground because of his grip that he had on it. Finally he reach the flat area where the tree was and began to saw it down.

Perfect. Going down the hill seemed much easier and involved a few loud laughter's from the girls below! Up went the tree in the pick up and down the mountain we went.

Since we were on schedule we went to the hot springs in Idaho City. Once again it was so relaxing and much needed and a perfect was to cap off the trip for my family. It happen to also be family day so Bridger got to play with all the swim toys and throw around the famous basketball.

Today when I got Bridger ready for school I looked at his skin and couldn't believe how soft it felt. The springs did wonders on his skin and he didn't itch at all tonight. We may have found the cure to soft skin for him. :)

He is asking for Gaga? D.D? Baby? and this morning he went to go look for them upstairs and his poor expressions on his face when I told him that they went bah bye was almost too heartbreaking. We miss them already and hope that soon we will see them.

 This is last year at the same spot as this year!

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