Bridger has officially cut a first tooth. It isn't through the skin yet but you can see it on the bottom. I am so grateful that I had yesterday and today off so that I could spend lots of cuddly time with him. it is parent-teacher conference time so that is why! He has been a bit more cranky and his poor little cheeks are red at times followed by a hand in the mouth at all times, but other then that he is such a sweet fun loving little guy.

A few stories to remember: Everyday for the past two weeks or so Bridger has been having major blowouts in his diaper on our way to school in the morning. I have been chalking it up to his medicine that the doctor had him on for his ear infection, but now that we have been off the meds for a week it still continues to happen. Keep in mind that I ABSOLUTELY hate and refuse to drop off my boy to the daycare girls with a poopy diaper so everyday I take him out of his car seat when we get to school change his diaper in the back seat, hustle inside and drop him off. Most of the time I can be pretty quick getting this done to make it to work on time. Well on Tuesday morning I was running late to begin and I could hear him grunting in the backseat the whole way to school, then the smell started to float to the front of the car....I knew it, HE HAD A HUGE BLOWOUT!!!! So I pulled him out of the car seat to find that he was completely covered in poop so there was no way I was going to be able to change him in the back seat. So totally embarrassed I went inside insisted on changing him myself (even though the girls were kind enough to say they would take care of it) and started dressing him down. Poop was everywhere. I hustled gave him a wet wipe bath and started putting on a new fresh diaper just to realize that I left the bag of clothes to keep at daycare in case of blowouts on the kitchen table. GREAT! Now my boy was topless with no clothes. Talk about a horrible mommy moment. Thankfully in the end they had a little top that was a few sizes to small but we made it work. As for the daily blowouts, well we still are having them. So it looks like my boy will be wearing size 4 diapers on our way to school each morning. And hopefully once this tooth gets in it will slow blowouts!

Next story, because of all the diaper changes that I have been doing in the backseat each morning my diaper's that are normally stocked in the diaper bag have slowly started to dwindle down to none. So yesterday at TARGET here I was in getting some morning shopping done when Bridger had a poopy diaper. Off we went to change him. I went to grab another diaper in the bag just to realize that I didn't restock the bag the prior night. So what's a mom to do. I said a little prayer to God, "Please just let me buy some diapers, before Bridger decides to go to the bathroom again (without a diaper)." God must have heard my prayer because we quickly left the bathroom ran (literally) to the diaper isle grab some and quickly hustled back to the checkout. I was able to change him just in time before he pee'd.

A few things to note since I am alittle behind on blogging. Bridger had his official 6 month doctor's appointment. He weighs 18 lbs 8oz (61%) and is 27.5'' tall (80%). Doctor said he was meeting all of his milestones, said Bridger is a very alert and happy boy!!! Even all the nurses stopped in to say hello to the "cutest little boy ever." Bridger LOVES and I don't even think that word is big enough for the interest he has in drinking water out of a cup. Holy moly he can't seem to get enough! Not to mention he loves bath time and bath time is filled with lots of splashing mommy so much that she is pretty wet by the time it is over. If he could he would love to lay on his belly in the tub and swim around. He wants me to help him with that the whole time but sometimes mommy needs to wash him and I have to sit him upright.... Bridger gets a little mad when I do this. I think we've got a little swimmer on our hands!

In other news Bridger loves his walker and loves to be little more mobile and get around at his own pace. He has discovered the reflection of glass in the oven door, so most times you will see him making his way over there to look at himself.
Lots of laughs and giggles!
He is eating with us at the dinner table too in his highchair.
Maybe not so much eating but loving making a mess with his hands in everything! That's our boy!
Grandpa Gary and Athena were in town last week which was fun.
Bridger did alot of pulling on Grandpa's glasses, rolling all over grandpa when he would lay on the floor with him and even managed to get a little spoiled too!
Ben and I have been incredibly busy with our jobs, he has been busy with the busy season quickly approaching and I just finished up conferences! I finally feel like I am back in the grove and my class is starting to feel more like a class family, the way I like it. The first month or so is always the hardest, not just for me but for my kiddos too. They are figuring me out and I am quickly trying to learn all 25 personalities and needs that each one of them needs from me. It's a great feeling to feel this way. It makes my job FANTASTIC. I am looking forward to a great year.
Just to note... as for Bridger sleeping through the night (NOPE) not yet. I talked with the doctor about this and he told me to not stress out over it. Between an ear infection and now teething we just need to be patient and continue to take turns getting up. I hope to start the sleep easy solution once we get through this bump.
My favorite season begins tomorrow. O how I love fall. I have my warmer burning a yummy spice scent that fills the house and I just finished up cooking a big pot full of gumbo for the weekend. There is nothing better then the crisp air, the changing colors of the leaves and of course all the wonderful fall food that we indulge in while watching college football. O and of course wearing sweatshirts and sweatpants. LOVE LOVE LOVE FALL!!!
Tomorrow morning Ben is heading out again to try their luck at another elk. They have one more tag to fill, so Bridger and I will be keeping a close eye on all the football games so we can give daddy the full report when he gets home. Lets go Cougs, and s'kers
That's all for now. Enjoy a great weekend and Happy Fall!