Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentines Day


What better holiday then a love holiday. All day from the time I woke up and got Bridger ready to the time that I laid him down for bed we celebrated love (not that we don't do that everyday, today was a little extra special).

I am pretty big on holidays since I tend to celebrate most of them in my classroom with my kiddos who are less fortunate and don't typically celebrate it at home.

And today was no exception.

I am sure most of my students parents enjoyed picking their child up with a sugar high. That's the glorious part of school celebrations, have a party, share lots of memories/laughter and then send them home.

Bridger dawned his mustache/heart onesie and he even received his very first valentine from his pal Hudson.

Hudson is such a wonderful little fellow and is so thoughtful and caring! Thank you big man!

Today at school we had a contest to raise money so that we can continue our AR program and so the classes that raised the most money got to vote on which teachers they wanted to "kiss the goat."

Well my class won for Kinder and 1st grade, so who do my students choose (out of all the staff members....Mrs. Parsons :) O they were so excited when they found out on the morning announcements that their teacher was going to have to "kiss the goat".

I had to wear the GO CAMERA!
Me not so excited, but I still dawned my beauuuuuuuutiful smile for all of them!

Around lunch time I was in the office chatting with a few co-workers when the flower delivery lady came in..... of course all of us were eager to find out who they were for. When one of the girls asked who they were for the lady replied, "Alana (pronounced that way:) Parsons..... I was pretty shocked.

My wonderful husband has never sent flowers to work and these flowers were no ordinary flowers they included some of the flowers that I had at our wedding.

He did good!

I'm pretty sure my little girl giddiness was in full affect all day long! It's hard not spending holidays with your spouse and so this was extra special to me.

Picking Bridger up I had an extra pep in my step. As I turned the corner to his classroom there he was on all fours like a bear walking half naked giggling and chasing from another little girl in his class. Such a happy boy! This week has been AMAZING according to his teachers, naps are going great and he is back to his Bridger boy self. Ms. Emily said that he even got to try a little coconut candy.... but he didn't like it!

So tonight Bridger and I celebrated Valentines together, Mother and Son, eating watermelon, laughing and playing hid and seek, bouncing for joy and lots of tickle time. We miss daddy so much but each day that goes by we are one day closer to having him home for good!

Happy Valentines to you.

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