Thursday, November 22, 2012

Ice Skating Field Trip Story

We had a wonderful time at our First Grade Ice Skating Field trip on Tuesday. I had about 16 volunteers/parents/grandparents come and help the kids. We loaded up the bus around 8:45 and got to the ice rink around 9:40. By the time we got all of our skates, helmets, coats, gloves and scarves on the kids were amped and ready to go! We took some pictures and headed out to try ice skating. Most of my students (90%) had never gone so this was a new experience for all. The rink had some handle bar pusher things that the kids were about to use to help them (thank the lord) I can only imagine what it would have been like if we didn't have those.

There were lots of slipping and sliding with a few bumps and bruises along the way. But I am so proud to say that all of my students tried it and never quit. Even if they did fall down and get a little shaken up. We enjoyed a pizza party for lunch provided by Papa Johns (who thought our party was on Monday, so they delivered 8 pizza to Idaho Ice world the day before) (but we ended up getting our pizza on Tuesday :)
I must note that we did have have one injury, Ms. Nevaeh was skating with her dad and she fell down and bumped her head (she did have a helmet on thankfully). But after the fall she was acting a little strange during lunch and kept asking me where her chair was (3 times) so I spoke with dad and told him I think that he she probably take her to the doctor just to be sure that everything was okay. So off they went and by the time I got back to school and called mom she informed me that indeed she had a minor concussion. Poor girl. Doctor checked everything out and told her to rest and she should be feeling better within 24 hours. I am happy to say that I spoke with Nevaeh's mom yesterday afternoon and she told me that Nevaeh is back to being her "sassy self, and bossing her little brother's around." I am so thankful she is better.

All in all we had a wonderful time and we are thankful for the wonderful opportunity!

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