Around this neck of the woods I have NEVER in my life got the Flu, but my socks were rocked off on Wednesday when I "tried to go to work" and made it there only to get there and be sent home by my principal because I was so sick. By the time I got home (after picking Bridger up from daycare- thinking I could take care of him while I was home... NOT A GOOD CHOICE) I was on the ground so sick and calling my husband to tell him that I felt like I was was going to "die." My poor husband rushed home just in time to find my puking in the kitchen sink with Bridger on the ground playing with the dog/ dog food. My body hurt so bad I could barley pick Bridger up, so Ben decided it would be best to take Bridge back to daycare so I could get some rest. I am so thankful that he did that because after he left I slept until they got home around 5pm in the evening.
After talking to the secretaries I found out that there were over 60 that didn't go to school that day and 15 were sent home because they got sick at school. Out of all of those I had 7 kids just from my class that were sick too. Whatever hit, hit hard and I am thankful I don't have it today.
UNFORTUNATELY, my husband came home around 6pm tonight and sure enough he ran to the bathroom and started vomiting his eye's out. Poor guy is sick now. No fun, at this very moment he is on the couch with the blanket and not doing so good. The flu is no good and whatever is going around.... WATCH OUT!
Hope this weekend we all get back to normal, have a great weekend!
Ben, Alanna and Bridger and Colter. We are a happy family of four and are so excited to experience life through our boys' eyes with two blessing god gave us - Bridger and Colter
Friday, November 30, 2012
That word is the ONLY word that describes the Apple Cup that we watched last Saturday night.
We were invited over to Aunt Becky and Uncle Bill's to watch the Apple cup (Washington State vs. Washington). I didn't have high expectations since the Coug's have only won two games this year, but since the whole family (minus Bri) would be there what better way to enjoy an evening then to sit around with everyone and watch a little football.
The Coug's were on a good roll the first half and went into the locker room at half time up, so we were all pretty excited. But when they came out for the third quarter that's when the game took a different turn, a turn for the worse. The Husky's came back and they now took on the lead. If you ask my husband he will tell you it's because Bridger took off his "LUCKY JERSEY" so quickly after daddy telling us how Bridger MUST put back on his Jersey for good luck we did.
The cousin's, Audry and Nat, decided that it was time for a little cheer leading to help the Coug's get back into the game. So off they went up stairs to change and get ready to cheer their little hearts out. Things started to luck good for the Coug's by the fourth, they turned it around and by the end of the game we ended in a tie.
The Coug's choose defence first in overtime so as we all sat on the edge of our seats watching what the Husky's were going to do we nervously watched every move they made and when there was a pass that got intercepted by our one of our defense guys and he took it all the way down to the 5 yard line, I don't think I have seen my extended family so excited in my life. We were all jumping up and down, even grandma and grandpa. I'm sure baby Bridge how no idea what was going one, but talk about a family so EXCITED.
With once chance to beat the Husky's the coug's pulled off the win with a field goal. It was TRULY UNBELIEVABLE.
A night to ALWAYS remember! GO COUG'S!
We were invited over to Aunt Becky and Uncle Bill's to watch the Apple cup (Washington State vs. Washington). I didn't have high expectations since the Coug's have only won two games this year, but since the whole family (minus Bri) would be there what better way to enjoy an evening then to sit around with everyone and watch a little football.
The Coug's were on a good roll the first half and went into the locker room at half time up, so we were all pretty excited. But when they came out for the third quarter that's when the game took a different turn, a turn for the worse. The Husky's came back and they now took on the lead. If you ask my husband he will tell you it's because Bridger took off his "LUCKY JERSEY" so quickly after daddy telling us how Bridger MUST put back on his Jersey for good luck we did.
The cousin's, Audry and Nat, decided that it was time for a little cheer leading to help the Coug's get back into the game. So off they went up stairs to change and get ready to cheer their little hearts out. Things started to luck good for the Coug's by the fourth, they turned it around and by the end of the game we ended in a tie.
The Coug's choose defence first in overtime so as we all sat on the edge of our seats watching what the Husky's were going to do we nervously watched every move they made and when there was a pass that got intercepted by our one of our defense guys and he took it all the way down to the 5 yard line, I don't think I have seen my extended family so excited in my life. We were all jumping up and down, even grandma and grandpa. I'm sure baby Bridge how no idea what was going one, but talk about a family so EXCITED.
With once chance to beat the Husky's the coug's pulled off the win with a field goal. It was TRULY UNBELIEVABLE.
A night to ALWAYS remember! GO COUG'S!
Bridger's First Thanksgiving (lots of pics)
Grandma and Grandpa Parsons had us up for a Thanksgiving lunch and following lunch was a Thanksgiving nap which lead into Bridger hitting a major milestone: grabbing onto the dishwasher and standing up to help Grandma with the dishes.
I couldn't even begin to imagine what a Thanksgiving with our little boy would be like until we had him.
I remember last year when we were back home in Omaha at my families and I was so tired and didn't have much energy to do to much and now here we are running after our little guy who army crawls so fast and pulls everything down.
We are blessed.
Thanksgiving was full of wonderful homemade dishes provided to us by Mrs. Rosie, who once again out did herself with a twenty pound turkey (the size of Bridger) and pumpkin pie.
The only thing I was responsible for was the green bean casserole, which was nothing to fancy I just used Frenchs' on the back of the onions. Turned out great.
We watched the Macy's Day Parade (my favorite), a little football and in between those shows was a few minutes of the "hunting channel."
It was such a nice day and it's days like those that I wish we could have four day weekends all the time.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Ice Skating Field Trip Story
We had a wonderful time at our First Grade Ice Skating Field trip on Tuesday. I had about 16 volunteers/parents/grandparents come and help the kids. We loaded up the bus around 8:45 and got to the ice rink around 9:40. By the time we got all of our skates, helmets, coats, gloves and scarves on the kids were amped and ready to go! We took some pictures and headed out to try ice skating. Most of my students (90%) had never gone so this was a new experience for all. The rink had some handle bar pusher things that the kids were about to use to help them (thank the lord) I can only imagine what it would have been like if we didn't have those.
There were lots of slipping and sliding with a few bumps and bruises along the way. But I am so proud to say that all of my students tried it and never quit. Even if they did fall down and get a little shaken up. We enjoyed a pizza party for lunch provided by Papa Johns (who thought our party was on Monday, so they delivered 8 pizza to Idaho Ice world the day before) (but we ended up getting our pizza on Tuesday :)
I must note that we did have have one injury, Ms. Nevaeh was skating with her dad and she fell down and bumped her head (she did have a helmet on thankfully). But after the fall she was acting a little strange during lunch and kept asking me where her chair was (3 times) so I spoke with dad and told him I think that he she probably take her to the doctor just to be sure that everything was okay. So off they went and by the time I got back to school and called mom she informed me that indeed she had a minor concussion. Poor girl. Doctor checked everything out and told her to rest and she should be feeling better within 24 hours. I am happy to say that I spoke with Nevaeh's mom yesterday afternoon and she told me that Nevaeh is back to being her "sassy self, and bossing her little brother's around." I am so thankful she is better.
All in all we had a wonderful time and we are thankful for the wonderful opportunity!
There were lots of slipping and sliding with a few bumps and bruises along the way. But I am so proud to say that all of my students tried it and never quit. Even if they did fall down and get a little shaken up. We enjoyed a pizza party for lunch provided by Papa Johns (who thought our party was on Monday, so they delivered 8 pizza to Idaho Ice world the day before) (but we ended up getting our pizza on Tuesday :)
I must note that we did have have one injury, Ms. Nevaeh was skating with her dad and she fell down and bumped her head (she did have a helmet on thankfully). But after the fall she was acting a little strange during lunch and kept asking me where her chair was (3 times) so I spoke with dad and told him I think that he she probably take her to the doctor just to be sure that everything was okay. So off they went and by the time I got back to school and called mom she informed me that indeed she had a minor concussion. Poor girl. Doctor checked everything out and told her to rest and she should be feeling better within 24 hours. I am happy to say that I spoke with Nevaeh's mom yesterday afternoon and she told me that Nevaeh is back to being her "sassy self, and bossing her little brother's around." I am so thankful she is better.
All in all we had a wonderful time and we are thankful for the wonderful opportunity!
under the weather **UPDATE
Bridger's first sickness story:
Since Bridger's been born the only sickness that he has had was a ear infection back in September, but this past weekend we were stationed at home because he got very sick. I thought I knew what a sick baby looked, and felt like but this was something NEW and something that I don't want to experience again. My heart has never felt so sad then when I had to watch my poor baby whimper and moan because of the pain he felt.
The battle started when I pick him up on Friday around 12noon. The teachers at daycare said that had slowly watch his temperature creep up and as soon as I walked in they checked it again and sure enough it was 101.0, so home we went. Friday night Bridger's temp kept raising so I called the after hours nurse who assured me (after going through the worst things that could "possibly" happen and what I need to do if they do happen... talk about a mother who was almost in tears and ready to run to the E.R. after hearing all the different scenarios) that everything would be okay but to keep a watch on certain things. Throughout the night the meaning of no sleep for mom, dad, or baby was ever so present. Poor boy was so hot, congested and wouldn't swallow.
All day Saturday we battle the fever, went to Urgent Care where the doctor looked at my husband and said, "so is this your first child," Ben's response, "haha Yes, why can you tell?" "No it's just that first time parents are very over cautious and after examining Bridger he just has a virus and you just need to let it run it's course." So back home we went and slowly watched the fever creep up, it's amazing how hot the little baby can get. We did a sponge bath in the baby tub, so cute and he just laid there and loved it. We stripped him down and just held him all weekend.
Finally Sunday evening after trying lots of helpful tips from other mother's his fever broke and Bridger's personality started to come out. I decided to take Monday off just to give him an extra day to feel better. It was a good thing that I did because he started to get dehydrated because he lost a lot of fluids from not eating a lot and was having some vomiting and diarrhea.
So all day Monday mama just held the boy and tried when I could to get him to take his bottle. By Monday evening we decided that it would be best for daddy to stay home on Tuesday because Bridger still was only drinking about 10- 12oz of formula, when he normally averages about 28-36 oz plus baby food.
By the time I got home on Tuesday even daddy and Bridger were just waking from their nap and from daddy's report he was on the up and up. I was so happy to see my smiling and joyful baby boy. This sickness took a lot out of him, was hard on us too. After 5 days of fevers, diarrhea, vomiting, dehydration, sleepless nights and crying baby we are ready to head over to Grandma and Grandpa Parsons for Thanksgiving!
Taking a bath and getting liquids. |
Our sick lil guy. |
Loving every minute |
Daddy love |
Double socks, Leann's tip. |
Just wanted to be held, mommy was trying to finish up report cards too. |
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Starting to feel better and getting into the dog dish! |
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Busted out the sled. |
Friday, November 16, 2012
1st grade music program and a sick little boy
Whew what a week. We are all super busy, both with home life and work life. My first graders had their FANTASTIC TURKEY MUSIC PROGRAM! I was one proud teacher, they did a magnificent job and I was smiling ear to ear.
Today we had a work day at school because the first trimester is complete! Thank you lord. It has been a very busy trimester and the fun is NOW in full swing. I love second and third trimester in first grade my students are growing and their brains a turning and there is no better reward then the moment that students realize they CAN read. That happens in MY classroom and I am so proud of each and everyone of them
Our little guy is home sick today. I dropped him off at daycare this morning and shortly before noon I was back over there to get him and take him home. Poor guy has a fever and is all stuffed up. I absolutely hate to see my little guy down, he just looks so sad and it really pulls at my heart. I am so lucky that I can be home with him at any given notice and for that I am grateful.
One quick story to remember... on Tuesday when I picked him up from school him and his buddy Brooks were sitting in the crib together with their teacher talking to them and saying, "now boys just because you two can crawl and get around doesn't mean that you can pull everything off the shelf's when I have my back turned and am making your boys bottles." Followed by two boys laughing at each other and rolling around with each other in the crib. I couldn't help but laugh too. So..... Bridger had his first experience of time out!!!
Have a great weekend.
Today we had a work day at school because the first trimester is complete! Thank you lord. It has been a very busy trimester and the fun is NOW in full swing. I love second and third trimester in first grade my students are growing and their brains a turning and there is no better reward then the moment that students realize they CAN read. That happens in MY classroom and I am so proud of each and everyone of them
Our little guy is home sick today. I dropped him off at daycare this morning and shortly before noon I was back over there to get him and take him home. Poor guy has a fever and is all stuffed up. I absolutely hate to see my little guy down, he just looks so sad and it really pulls at my heart. I am so lucky that I can be home with him at any given notice and for that I am grateful.
One quick story to remember... on Tuesday when I picked him up from school him and his buddy Brooks were sitting in the crib together with their teacher talking to them and saying, "now boys just because you two can crawl and get around doesn't mean that you can pull everything off the shelf's when I have my back turned and am making your boys bottles." Followed by two boys laughing at each other and rolling around with each other in the crib. I couldn't help but laugh too. So..... Bridger had his first experience of time out!!!
Have a great weekend.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
grateful sunday #3 and 8 month wakefulness
Grateful Sunday #3
The weekends:
There is no better feeling then heading home on Friday knowing that I get to be home all weekend with the two boys that I love the most. I long for the afternoons of football games in the background, little Bridge screaming in delight, laundry room rock'n and roll'n and my husband's analysis of every game we watch.
*** This video was taken at school, where Bridger seems to run the show after 3:30pm!!!**
Bridger got his first tradition experience baking Christmas cookies with Grandma this weekend.
While I was out with one of my girlfriends doing some Christmas shopping, Bridger and Daddy went up to Grandma's to help her bake her annual Christmas cookies.
I am thankful that Bridger will know these tradition that have been going on for many many years and now he can be a part of them.
8 month wakeful period:
Do I dare say I am grateful for this :) This weekend has been one of many challenges.
We have a boy who doesn't want to nap, and when he does he just wants to be held. He isn't sleeping well at night, we have done away with the swaddle and just in time for the cold weather started wearing fleece footed jammies (cute, cute, cute).
I'm sure that has something to do with it, but he still wants to eat a full bottle at 3/4 am???? And then if he gets any ounce of energy he will be up till about 5am and then crashes. Moments like this make me more patient and grateful that I am so lucky to be the mommy to this growing little boy.
** Lots of learning going on in the office at school, thanks Hudson for teaching Bridger the word "Ball" he has been saying ba,ba,bababa all weekend long!!!!
That's all for now, off to enjoy our mac and cheese and catch up on some good guilty Sunday evening tv.
Just to note for time period in Bridger's book..... President Obama won the election on November 6th 2012 YAY!!! and The Luna Laws didn't pass !!!!!!! Tuesday night was one that will be forever remember, we are one happy family over here.
The weekends:
There is no better feeling then heading home on Friday knowing that I get to be home all weekend with the two boys that I love the most. I long for the afternoons of football games in the background, little Bridge screaming in delight, laundry room rock'n and roll'n and my husband's analysis of every game we watch.
Bridger got his first tradition experience baking Christmas cookies with Grandma this weekend.
While I was out with one of my girlfriends doing some Christmas shopping, Bridger and Daddy went up to Grandma's to help her bake her annual Christmas cookies.
I am thankful that Bridger will know these tradition that have been going on for many many years and now he can be a part of them.
8 month wakeful period:
Do I dare say I am grateful for this :) This weekend has been one of many challenges.
We have a boy who doesn't want to nap, and when he does he just wants to be held. He isn't sleeping well at night, we have done away with the swaddle and just in time for the cold weather started wearing fleece footed jammies (cute, cute, cute).
I'm sure that has something to do with it, but he still wants to eat a full bottle at 3/4 am???? And then if he gets any ounce of energy he will be up till about 5am and then crashes. Moments like this make me more patient and grateful that I am so lucky to be the mommy to this growing little boy.
That's all for now, off to enjoy our mac and cheese and catch up on some good guilty Sunday evening tv.
Just to note for time period in Bridger's book..... President Obama won the election on November 6th 2012 YAY!!! and The Luna Laws didn't pass !!!!!!! Tuesday night was one that will be forever remember, we are one happy family over here.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Greatful Sunday
Today I am grateful for:
Our home. Bridger is an official army crawler and god has blessed us with a beautiful home and place where Bridger can learn and grow. It is so fun to watch him crawl ALL around the house. Ben said shortly after we had Bridger, "I hope he can crawl by Thanksgiving!" Now the fun begins :)
I am grateful for family and the Internet. We are so lucky to have family close by to share Bridger's milestones and grateful for Internet so that long distant family can be apart of his milestones too. We often talk about what are future will be and where we want to raise Bridger at, but we keep coming back to the fact that having family close by is such a blessing. We know that we will figure it out and God will help us in our decisions but for right now we are enjoying the fact that family is 15 minutes away.
The right to vote. On Tuesday we will use our vote to help make a difference. No matter how you vote and what you believe in it is your right and you SHOULD do it! More then ever this vote means so much to me, my family and friends and I pray that everyone who can vote does.
(wrote Sunday, published today :)
Our home. Bridger is an official army crawler and god has blessed us with a beautiful home and place where Bridger can learn and grow. It is so fun to watch him crawl ALL around the house. Ben said shortly after we had Bridger, "I hope he can crawl by Thanksgiving!" Now the fun begins :)
I am grateful for family and the Internet. We are so lucky to have family close by to share Bridger's milestones and grateful for Internet so that long distant family can be apart of his milestones too. We often talk about what are future will be and where we want to raise Bridger at, but we keep coming back to the fact that having family close by is such a blessing. We know that we will figure it out and God will help us in our decisions but for right now we are enjoying the fact that family is 15 minutes away.
The right to vote. On Tuesday we will use our vote to help make a difference. No matter how you vote and what you believe in it is your right and you SHOULD do it! More then ever this vote means so much to me, my family and friends and I pray that everyone who can vote does.
(wrote Sunday, published today :)
Saturday, November 3, 2012
8 months old and a bow tie
Bridger turned 8 months yesterday and is so full of ENERGY!
I would say that he is an official army crawler. He hasn't quite mastered the skill of all fours yet but he can get around like no bodies business.
Things to note:
Today we kept the celebration alive and headed over to our dear friends The Bostrom's for some cougar football and ribs.
The kids were adorable.
Olivia loved taking care of Bridger and Bridger loved to crawl after her.
Nothing sweeter then two little children playing together.
I suspect that Bridger maybe coming down with something. His nose is running, lots of sneezing and very tired. Little guy just wants to be held and rocked.
Happy 8 Months baby boy!!! We love you.
I would say that he is an official army crawler. He hasn't quite mastered the skill of all fours yet but he can get around like no bodies business.
Things to note:
1. Bridger loves to SPLASH in the bath tub. He's so good at it he can splash hard enough to reach the windows!
2. I am guessing he weighs roughly 20lbs. and is 28inches long.
3. He says Dada alot hasn't figured out how to make the mama sound yet!!
4. He is FINALLY enjoying eating baby food. It was a struggle to say the least to get him to eat anything except his bottle.
5. His favorite thing is his car, so mobile.
6. He is a very happy baby and is content we love love him to pieces!
In celebration of Bridger's 8 month birthday we had dinner with Grandma and Grandpa Parsons. Bridger even dressed up in his bow tie and suspenders and played with grandma and grandpa all night long. Lots of peak a boo's, following Grandma where ever she went, pulling down the barn yard and taking EVERYTHING out of it and even managing to open it up. We enjoyed Grandpa's and Ben's elk with elk burgers too. Yum!Today we kept the celebration alive and headed over to our dear friends The Bostrom's for some cougar football and ribs.
The kids were adorable.
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Best friends! |
Olivia loved taking care of Bridger and Bridger loved to crawl after her.
Nothing sweeter then two little children playing together.
Wrestling each other. |
Just hanging out!! |
So much playing makes a girl tired! |
I suspect that Bridger maybe coming down with something. His nose is running, lots of sneezing and very tired. Little guy just wants to be held and rocked.
Happy 8 Months baby boy!!! We love you.
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