The last two weeks have flown by and I find myself more and more busy every week. Is there really only a month left before school starts again!!!!
This past weekend Bridger was baptised. It was beautiful and we were lucky enough to have some family there to watch it. Bridger is so lucky to have his Uncle Bill and Aunt Becky as his godparents.
Mass was at 5pm, we all went and Bridger did well. Cousin Audrey was right by his side holding his hand and getting his binky for him anytime it dropped. She shh'd him when he would get fussy and made cute smiley faces at him to make him laugh a little out loud. I caught daddy looking over and giving us the eye followed by a quick "put the pacie in."
The good thing about our church is that a few squeals of delight are okay and the people around us were pretty captured by our little guy and all his giggles and smiles.
Once mass ended we had the baptism. Bridger was amazing he never once cried and was very interested in the deacon and all he had to say. At one point when the deacon was blessing him Bridger was full of smiles and leg kicks, there was no doubt that god was ever so present.
Next it was off to the house to spend time with all the family.
The weather was changing and it quickly turned from sunshine to dark clouds and wind.
We spent time chatting, playing, and lots of laughter. Bridger's cousins were so excited to play with him and he was excited to play with them too. Lots of reading, playing with blocks and watching Nat do gymnastics. That girl has no fear!!!
Everyone took off and we headed downtown for the Twilight Criterion.
We didn't make it to the girls race but we were able to catch the guys.
Ben and I went last year when I first found out I was pregnant and so the tradition continued on this time I was able to go the beer garden and enjoy some local brews!
Grammy had a blast and enjoyed all the people watching.
Since Grammy was in town we had a chance to spend the next few days hanging out and enjoying each others company. We visited some local eateries and spent many of evenings watching the sunset on the back patio. There is nothing better then to have Grammy in town. One quick plug, we went to Brick 29.....AMAZING!!!!! I haven't had a dinner that good in a VERY long time. The service wasn't the best since they were packed, but the food was delicious. (Thanks B. for the recommendation).
Bath time was extra special this week since Grammy was here!
Yesterday was Ben and my 2 year anniversary, originally the plan was to have grammy babysit but since she did that all morning so I could go into work and then go get a hair cut ( I took a lot off :) (no pictures though) I wanted to make sure that I got to spend a little more time with her before she had to leave. So for Ben and my anniversary we all went out to a little Mexican restaurant and enjoyed some margaritas and Bridger's belly laughs. Where the belly laughs came from is beyond me, but I definitely think he was putting on a show! I was given a wonderful little boy and I couldn't ask for anything better! He is an absolute blessing to us and we look forward to many more years of joy and happiness. 7/17/10
Our wonderful little weekend with grammy wrapped up today when we had to say our goodbyes. Never easy to do, but we look forward to seeing her soon!
A few things to note about Bridger (7/18/2012 (4.5 months old):
- lots of squealing and talking
- loves baths more and more
- offically out of 0-3 month clothes but can wear some 9 month clothes too.
- still hates long car rides
- loves being read too
- loves dancing with mom to country music in the living room
- rolling in all directions with NO assistance
- his favorite toy is a stuffed animal that sings the ABC's
- tried rice ceral last week FAIL!!!
- LOVES to hang out with mom during laundry day
This is what I caught on Saturday morning.... son like father!!! Love my boys

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