Thursday, January 10, 2013


Grandpa played quite the trick on Ben.

During our Christmas Eve gift exchange Grandpa gave Ben a box. It was from  . When he opened it up it was a box of Oreo's from their AMAZING Elk hunt.

Ben figured it was one of Rog's memorable gifts. It made since. Grandpa always gives gifts that remind us of the memories that we had throughout the year. So Ben didn't question it.

We continued on throughout the evening opening gifts, talking about memories and enjoying lots of laughter.

By the night's end we all had our annual Rapala's, EXCEPT Ben. He never said anything.

A few weeks went by and last weekend when we had lunch with Grandpa and Grandma they asked, "hey did you guys throw away the Oreo's we gave you? No, why? O did you open it up and have any? No. Okay, we were just wondering."

So sure enough Grandpa had one of his smiles that you know he is up to something and when we got home it was time to investigate.

Cronilogical pictures.....

Grandpa!!!! (can you hear the voice?) He got Ben good! nice job Rog!

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