Friday, December 14, 2012


This letter is to my beautiful boy, Bridger.


Today you can home after school and mommy was able to pick you up from day care and bring you back home. But for 20 other little students and their families that did not happen. I am horrified, shocked, sadden beyond words, and mommy and daddy can't stop holding you tonight. We love you.

My beautiful son. Mommy and Daddy love you so much and there are no words to describe the horrific tragedy that took place today in Connecticut. Mommy's heart is sadden beyond words, but I know one day we will sit back and reflect on this day and I want you to know just how much I love and how we as human beings can come together and do good in this world.

 Bridger, Mommy first found out about this from one of the cook ladies in the lunch line. It seemed surreal, impossible, foggy, but it wasn't soon after that when I had a parent of one my students stop by and sort of fall/collapse into my arms and beg to just see her daughter and give her a hug. The look she had in her eyes is one that I will never forget. My emotions are a mess. Why, why did this happen to such beautiful young souls?

Mommy took you to the doctors today after school for your 9 month check up and as I listened to you saying, "ma ma and dadda" in the back seat all I could think about was how lucky I was to have you in my arms tonight. Those parents of those kids who lost their lives today don't get to hold their babies like I do. I can't even begin to make sense of this.

And as we were driving home tonight from Walgreen's I heard an interview on the radio that hit me so hard in the heart that I finally broke down while you were sleeping peacefully (thank you lord). I balled, cried my eyes out in the driveway with daddy by my side.  I was listening to one of the 1st Grade teachers at Sandy Hook Elementary telling the accounts of today, she said she took her kids to the bathroom where she locked them in and as the pop pop pop of the gun went off one of the little boys said to her, "I can go out and get the bad guy teacher, because I go to Karate practice." The innocence of the lives that were lost and the tragedy that this event will have on these children, families and all who were involved will be tremendous. My heart breaks, my eyes are red and today I am ever so grateful for my family and friends.

I love you big boy. You are our star in the sky and those 20 precious lives that were taken WAY to early I will pray for them and their families. Jesus received 20 beautiful little angels today and some wonderful teachers too. Heaven is a little fuller tonight and for that I am blessed.

Hug your babies tight, say I love you more and pray for all the families who are hurting in ways I can't even imagine. God bless.

Mommy and Daddy

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