Friday, May 25, 2012

4 days and counting and a baby turning 3 months TODAY

I have 4 days left of school this year and I took today off to be home with my little guy on his 3 month birthday. So far this morning he has rolled over AGAIN on his play mat without any assistance. I wish I would have captured it with the camera but I was present in the moment. Sometimes I get to caught up taking pictures that I don't notice what is going on around me. So today I promised myself that I was just going to enjoy every moment with him. I can't believe how fast the days go by. It seems like yesterday Ben and I were rushing off to the hospital to have this little guy and now he is holding his head up and rolling a bit. Right now he is fast asleep in his swing allowing mommy to blog right now and get daddy's father's day gift finished. :) Tonight we are heading over to the cousins house for a little get together for memorial day. The pool opened up today in the neighborhood but unfortunately it is cold and rainy here today so it looks like we won't be swimming anytime soon.
A few things about school this week.... I have a little boy named Jack in my reading group and he has come such a long way (reading no words) to reading over 150 sightwords and leveled reader books. We really became close this year and he is my little cowboy (gotta say that I hope one day Bridger will love to wear his cowboy boots, tie and vest as proudly as this young fellow does). Anyways he knows how proud I am of him and on Tuesday he came to school in his full outfit (Mrs.Parsons favorite) and couldn't wait to show me his new belt buckle. I knew I had to get a picture to capture the moment. I will miss this group of 1st graders. They have come such a long way and I am a very proud teacher.
Happy Friday!

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