Saturday, October 3, 2015

Our Squishy Baby

Colter Ray!
Colt is a little over 18lbs and 27 inches long.
He is a happy baby!
Loves his brother.
Loves his baths.
Has a great smile and laughs so cute.
We think he is the best, maybe bias of course but come on look him!
 I couldn't resist dressing him up in this little outfit.
It was a hand-me-down and since I never had any girls this little guy had no choice but to satisfy my desire for a little baby bonnet action and baby buttes.

  Look at those blue eyes! What a doll.
Brotherly love!!!

Family Pictures and 6 month check ups

Last weekend I talked my lovely boys into family pictures.
Once again I took them.
Not perfect but perfect for us.
They are great troopers and always put up with my crazy ideas.
I visioned that we would go back to where Ben proposed to me and complete our family picture one day when we had our family and this year seemed fitting given the fact that God blessed us with another perfect son.
Off we went on Sunday, bright and early.

Given the pictures I took I think about 5 are keepers and will make the walls at our house.
That is success!
Idaho is truly a beautiful state.

On Friday after school we headed to the Doc for flu shots, check ups and a visit for Bridge.
Colt is 18.5 lbs and 27 inches long!
Bridger is 39lbs with shoes on!
We got big tall boys! Just the way we like them.

Bridge went to see the doc for a sinus/allergy check up and now on antibiotics.
Both boys got flu mist for Bridge and the first of two flu shots for Colt.
Colt also had his 6 month shots too.
Poor guy.
He did sleep till 8:30 today!

Soccer has consumed our Saturday Mornings!
We love it.
Bridger is doing so good.
We love watching him.
Today it was windy and cold but it was wonderful to see so many family members make it to his game.
Growing up I lived far away from extended family that they never saw us for our sports and to have his grandma and grandpa and great aunt and uncle there is a blessing.
Our kids are so lucky to have so much family in town.

Life is busy.
I think I say that in every post but that is the only way to sum up our life right now.
Ben asked me if I wanted to go out for dinner on Friday, I looked at him and said, "if we could just be home and sit at the dinning room table for longer than 10 minutes that would make my night."
Between meetings, long days at work, conferences, sports, and other commits we are staying plenty busy.
Ben calls it the "hustle."
Did I mention I finally graduate in May!!!
I can almost taste it.
Grad work is going great and very insightful as I meet and interview many different position at the district level.
The new reading curriculum our district purchased is absolutely wonderful, amazing and so great for our students. I am excited!!!
Bridger is busy learning the ABC's and many other academic things that it hard to keep up with everything but somehow some way we do!

We are living life as a family of four and enjoying every memory of it.
Have a great weekend.

Halloween is coming

We are prepared this year!
Bridger's costume arrived on Thursday and Colt is going to use one of Bridger's. (I know poor guy has to have handmedowns!)

These pictures were taken a few weeks ago.
I couldn't resist while I was decorating for fall!
Life is busy. It's hard to catch up on the blog but through pictures I hope I do this year justice.

 Pretty sure my boys are saying…. "Okay mom, that's enough with the pictures"
What can I say I have two beautiful subjects to photograph.

 These pictures truly sum up my boys relationship. Bridger is the best brother to Colter.
Always so kind, patient and sweet with him.

 Who can resist those buns!!!