It's a new year.... 2015!
Wow! Time sure flies.
We didn't get all wild and celebrate the new year, rather we rang it in by 8:00pm last night with a little boy who didn't take a single nap and played hard all day. He was asleep by 5:30pm which left Ben and I some quite time before we headed to bed. We watched the Boise State game and by the end the neighborhoods surround us were showing their excitement with lots of fireworks! Pretty exciting.
We welcomed the new year this morning around 6:00am (very typical) and watched the sunrise while daddy slept in. Lately I have been waking around 4am and the tossing and turning continues until my little alarm clock wakes me up (Bridger that is).
Once daddy got up we ate a yummy breakfast that we all contributed too; English muffin breakfast sandwich with scrambled eggs, cheese and maple sausage. Bridge was in charge of the cheese placement, I had scramble egg duty and daddy made the sausage patties! Delicious. I absolutely love slow days when we can stay home and snuggle in the day in our pj's and watch great football, hockey and movies! Lazy but O so NICE!

After breakfast I got started on one of my projects of taking down and boxing up all the holiday/Christmas decor. I struggle with this day, I love how festive our home becomes during the holidays and the warmness that I feel when we light up the house with our Christmas tree and all the holiday cards that we receive throughout the month but then there is a part of me that likes to start fresh, decluter and feel the new year upon us. Either way it has to be done so today was the day. There are still a few things left that we will leave up (like the Christmas tree) through the weekend though!

Ben has been hard at work ever since Bridger received some hockey gear for Christmas on building a ice rink on our patio. The boys headed to Home Depot last weekend to stock up on supplies and built their rink by Sunday. With a few minor hiccups along the way (one being the overflowing of water because he didn't set his timer correctly) and then (the board on the backside busting because of pressure) he finally got it set up and the weather froze the water by Wednesday. We were set! Surprisingly it is difficult to find toddler size ice skates to purchase so my go to... craigslist. Once again we lucked out and found the right size and made a deal with the person selling them and got not only a toddler 9 but also the next size up all for $40. Score! Bridge and Ben picked them up today, stopped by gma and gpa's house for alittle while since they were on that side of town and by 5:45pm the boys were home and ready to skate!

Bridger was thrilled! I mean the excite on this kids face is ridiculous. If he could he would skate all night. The amount of energy and the lack of the cold weather does not seem to bother him at all. Myself, well I was freezing trying to capture these precious moments. There were some bumps and falls and some shakiness but he kept at it and figured it out. It seems our rink is much slicker than the one at the Village in Meridian. Possibly due to the fact that it is just him out there and daddy seems to think he needs to be the Zamboni and smooth it out each night and in the morning.
I love my boys and I look forward to what 2015 has in store for us! Have a blessed New Year!