Hello Summer!
O how we have longed for you!
We were busy yesterday soaking in every minute of our first day of summer.
First up a quick trip to the dump to unload some moving boxes that have filled up our garage!
Next off to the Saturday Market.
On our list was tomato plants (the wind blew a few of ours that we planted back in April over this past week)
And of course a little splurge of one of my favorite flowers....pink peonies. They take me back home every time I see them. My mom has a few huge bushes of them on the side of her house and they are absolutely gorgeous.
The streets were packet, the side street music was bumping and Bridger was loving every bit of it.
Following our trip to the market it was off to catch up with the cousins! A little basketball, soccer, coloring, adult catchup and of course lots of loves and hugs.
Quickly it was back home to have lunch, take naps, and.....start pumping up the stand up paddle boards.
Bridger woke up and we were off, with only one minor hiccup...a busted side mirror while backing up out the garbage. Let's just say babies can be a bit distracting when they are screaming for my juice. O well!
It was a quick 5 min jaunt to the lake down the road, unloaded and in the water by 3:45pm. Daddy showed off his tricks that he has been practicing every afternoon. (Lucky Bums moved offices and now they are literally a walk to the river, so the boys have ate lunch and headed out everyday last week to paddle board during their lunch hour!! So cool.)
Mommy and Bridge did lots of pretend fishing and reeling in "big fish" and whats not a trip without a basketball hoop and a game! This child is absolutely obsessed.
We headed home after a few hours, made spaghetti and one of our neighbors stopped by to catch up. The golf course is opening on June 27th, super exciting.
This is what summer is all about! Family, memories, food, laughter, and friends.
It was an absolutely gorgeous day perfect in so many ways.